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Please read the following information carefully before clicking on the link at the bottom of this page to register. Your electronic signature on the registration form confirms your commitment to paying tuition and any applicable late fees each month.

Lion Care: Extended Care Information

Students can be dropped off in the car rider line as early as 7:55 AM and the tardy bell rings at 8:25 AM. Our school day ends at 3:45 PM. 

With that said, Before School Care will be from 7:00 AM to 7:55 AM and After School Care will be from 4:05 PM to 5:30 PM. 

Before School Care students may be dropped off at our main door no earlier than 7:00AM and After School Care students must be picked up at our main door no later than 5:30PM.


Lion Care Offers:

- Arts and Crafts
- Supervised Homework
- Board/Card Games
- Physical Activity
- After School Snack

Morning Lion Care will include coloring, reading, and educational videos or family films. Each afternoon will begin with homework and snack time, then activities. There will be a rotation of activities so no day is the same. 

Tuition Fees

Fees are set and will not vary from month to month. Roll over is not an option. Example: if you sign up for 3 days/week and only attend 2 days during a specific week, you cannot roll over that day and attend 4 days the following week. Only in case of school closure we would apply the roll over rule.


Before Care Services 

Based on 5 days a week of student's attendance: $52/month
Based on 4 days a week of student's attendance: $42/month
Based on 3 days a week of student's attendance: $31/month
Based on 2 days a week of student's attendance: $21/month
Based on 1 day a week of student's attendance: $11/month

Before Care Drop-in rate: $5/day

After School Care Services

Based on 5 days a week of student’s attendance: $125/month
Based on 4 days a week of student's attendance: $100/month
Based on 3 days a week of student's attendance: $75/month
Based on 2 days a week of student's attendance: $52/month
Based on 1 day a week of student's attendance: $25/month

After School Care Drop-in rate: $10/day

*After school care ends at 5:30 and a late fee of $1 per minute will be assessed after this time.

Multiple Children Rate

Sliding tuition scale is only applied to the invoices of registered (not drop-in) students, and only from 3+ days a week. Tuition is reduced by $10.00 for each additional child up to the 3rd child in the family. For example: for a family of three children attending morning and afternoon five days a week, the monthly tuition payment would be $480 ($170 + $160 + $150); for PM services only, monthly tuition for this example would be $330 ($120 + $110 + $100).

To Register for Lion Care

Once you complete the registration form, you will receive your electronically signed copy. This copy serves as a record of your agreement to settle all accrued fees, so be sure to keep it. If you ever need to make changes to your registration, for example add or subtract a day or cancel it, please email Changes will be taken into account during the following billing cycle (which starts on the 15th of each month).


Cash/check can be paid in the front office during regular business hours. A QR code linked to the online payment system will be printed on the invoice, or you may visit it here

Important Information

  • Invoices will be sent home on the 15th of each month. Payment is due within 30 days. A late fee of 10% of the past due amount will be assessed for each billing period. This can add up quickly, so please be careful. For example, an unpaid invoice of $170 will become $187 on the next invoice, plus the current month's fee of $170 for a total of $357. The following month this would be $392.70 plus $170. 

  • When a payment is 60 days late or past due balances exceed $300, students will not be able to attend Lion Care until the balance is $0. Please speak directly to administration if your family is going through a difficult time. We can help you set up a plan to pay smaller amounts over a longer period of time. 

  • A new registration form must be completed any time a student withdraws and re-enters the program. 

  • NSF charges for returned checks may be assessed but cannot be in excess of what the bank charges. If NSF checks occur twice, then the principal and site manager together can decide to require payments of cash or money order only. 

  • If a child is withdrawn from the Extended Care program with outstanding fees unpaid and later reapplies for services, all fees must be paid before the child can re-enroll. Example: a child is provided PM services for the first five days of the month and then withdraws without paying the month's tuition fees; the outstanding fees, 5 days x $10 per day = $50, must be paid before the child can be re-enrolled.  

  • A late fee of $1.00 per minute per student will be charged for all checkouts that occur after the program closes (according to the School’s Extended Care Program time). 

  • Students cannot be taken in before 7:00am, even if staff is on campus. 

To register for Lion Care, please click here.

Students enjoying extended care at Ecole Saint Landry French immersion school
students dancing Ecole Saint Landry Sunset Louisiana parish french immersion school
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