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Breakfasts may consist of cereal, like Fruit Loops, Cheerios, or Cocoa Puffs, a breakfast cereal bar or Pop-Tart, a breakfast corndog, a waffle, French toast, or pancakes. All breakfasts are served with a choice of plain or chocolate milk, orange juice, and fresh fruit (usually oranges or apples). 

Breakfast is served in the classrooms from 7:55 a.m. to 8:25 a.m. when classes start. Students arriving after 8:25 are considered tardy, but are still offered breakfast to ensure they have the necessary energy and blood sugar levels to start their day off right. Tardy students eat breakfast in La grande salle by the administrative offices and are admitted to class with a tardy slip once they are finished with their meal. 

Here at École Saint-Landry, we do not have a cafeteria at our starter site. Breakfast and lunch are therefore delivered each day from Sunset Middle. 

All public school students in St. Landry Parish have FREE breakfasts and lunches for the 2024-2025 school year, regardless of their socioeconomic status. 

Ecole Saint Landry French Immersion student with school lunch in Sunset school

Students are allowed to bring a healthy breakfast from home, but are not allowed to come to school with donuts, McDonald's, or other food from outside vendors or businesses. They will not be allowed into classrooms with these foods, or excused from class to eat these foods.

We believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Here are some interesting facts from the No Child Hungry Campaign:

  • Every child should start the school day with a healthy breakfast. Studies show that students who skip breakfast generally have slower memory recall, make more errors and are more likely to be absent or tardy and to repeat a grade. Students who eat breakfast generally have better vitamin and nutrient intake, enjoy overall healthier diets and are less prone to being overweight or obese.  

  • Limited food budgets, challenges with early work schedules and transportation, or children who won't eat early in the morning make it difficult for many families to provide a healthy breakfast every morning. Too often children arrive at school without the fuel they need to be active participants in the classroom.  

  • The School Breakfast Program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, plays a crucial role in making sure kids get the food they need to focus and excel in the classroom.

Ecole Saint Landry French Immersion students with school lunch in Sunset school


The lunches provided by Sunset Middle follow the St. Landry Parish School Board menu and usually consist of local favorites like meatball stew or chicken and sausage gumbo, or child-friendly standards like chicken nuggets, hamburgers or chicken burgers with sweet potato fries, or baked chicken. All lunches are accompanied by a cooked vegetable or salad and, like breakfasts, all lunches are served with a choice of plain or chocolate milk, as well as a choice of fresh or canned fruit. 



Food may be sent with the student from home. However, it is at the discretion of each principal. If the principal allows students to bring meals from home, the following rules apply:

  • All means from home must incorporate whole grains and other nutrient-dense foods by following the current meal pattern in accordance with the U.S. Department of Agriculture regulations and policies.

    • Meat/meat alternative

    • Grains

    • Fruit

    • Vegetables

    • Milk or water

  • To ensure proper holding temperatures, please make sure the food products are kept cold using ice packs until meal service. We cannot store student meals brought from home.

  • Lunches delivered by parents during the day will not be accepted.


Fast food, candy, chips, and soft drinks or sugar-based juice drinks are not allowed at school. Milk and 100% juice drinks are allowed and are available at school.

Ecole Saint Landry French Immersion student with home lunch in Sunset school



All St. Landry Parish school campuses are nut and seafood free. Any food brought from home may not contain any type of nuts or any kind of seafood.


Students with Food Allergies must provide the Diet Prescription for Meals at School Form completed and signed by a physician, and must also meet with the school nurse and other stakeholders for special arrangements.


We are a NUT and SEAFOOD FREE school. Please do not send your child to school with any foods containing nuts or seafood.

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